Handing on the tradition of martial arts from China
Welcome to the website thewushucentre.ca. This is a pared down site from the one that I have had up since 2000, reflecting the post-pandemic change of lifestyle. For quite a few years I travelled four times a year, going to China to train almost yearly, and twice a year across Canada and to England. Now I go to England in the fall and to the West Coast in the summer. I teach a few special people where I happen to be, and spend more time training on my own and working on the books.

About this website
I (Andrea Falk) play traditional Bagua, Xingyi, Chen Taijiquan, and Taiji Changquan. This website is mostly to talk about me, the club and its group of friends, and my teachers, so that you can see that I am indeed qualified to translate and write the books.
The site is not finished yet, but I need to publish this home page in order to link the other pages to it. Hopefully it will all be done by the end of February (2025). Please be patient, and check back from time to time. I will fill in the basic pages first, then do the basic pages of the other sites, and then come back to complete this site.

I (Andrea Falk) play traditional Bagua, Xingyi, Chen Taijiquan, and Taiji Changquan. I translate books about Bagua and Xingyi, and have written a few books as well. They can be found at tglbooksca.com, on Amazon, and at quite a few online book sellers. They are all available as soft cover, hard cover, Ereader, and PDFs. Plum Publications also sells my print books, and sometimes has special prices.
So far, the translations include Li Tianji’s The Skill of Xingyiquan, Jiang Rongqiao’s Baguazhang, Yan Dehua’s Bagua Applications, Di Guoyong on Xingyiquan, and Zhang Wenguang’s Chaquan. The writings include A Shadow on Fallen Blossoms, Beijing Bittersweet, Shadowboxing in Shanghai, and the massive Falk’s Dictionary of Chinese Martial Arts.

To keep the retro wushu side of my character happy, years ago Anthony Chan and I brought back his Beijing Wushu Team Training Video Series in digital format. I have moved the list over to the wushu centre too (the site formerly known as thewushucentre.com), where there are also a lot of photos of traditional and classic wushu. I know that people have posted them on youtube for free, but if you want an actual disc, there are still some available.

I also have a website dedicated to Ma Gui Bagua, at www.maguibagua.ca. This is a personal, unauthorised explanation of some of the methods of the system. It is just my training notes, but people have found it helpful, as it is more straight forward than the main teacher, Li Baohua, likes.
(The new site is not finished yet, I have just put up the home page so that you know it is still there.)

I know I am supposed to be doing the work websites, but zen lapin insisted that this was more important.
(I haven’t finished yet, but have a couple of pages up)